Vol 18 1965-1969 Contracts, Leases, Ordinances & D
1965-1969 Contracts A-1 - Den Adel 12/06/2012
1965-1969 Contracts Dencon - Janssen 12/06/2012
1965-1969 Contracts Japanese - Palms 12/06/2012
1965-1969 Contracts Palms Blvd - Scott Pat 12/06/2012
1965-1969 Contracts Seaboard - Tract 28019 12/06/2012
1965-1969 Contracts Tract 28040 - Zuber 12/06/2012
1965-1969 Deeds From City Ackland-Wyatt 12/06/2012
1965-1969 Deeds To City AJF-Bowring 12/06/2012
1965-1969 Deeds To City Boyce-Deubel 12/06/2012
1965-1969 Deeds To City Deuschle-Goodson 12/06/2012
1965-1969 Deeds To City Goodwill-Labowe 12/06/2012
1965-1969 Deeds To City Labrador-Montana 12/06/2012
1965-1969 Deeds To City Montecito-Raker 12/06/2012
1965-1969 Deeds To City Raleigh-Solomon 12/06/2012
1965-1969 Deeds To City Soltan-Upper.pdf 12/06/2012
1965-1969 Deeds To City Urciuoli-Zynda 12/06/2012
1965-1969 Lease Agreements Aeronaves-Yellow 12/06/2012
1965-1969 Ordinances-Alleys Alley-259th 12/06/2012
1965-1969 Ordinances-Depts Accounting-Water 12/06/2012
1965-1969 Ordinances-Propernames ABC-Zlotkin 12/06/2012
1965-1969 Ordinances-Streets Abargo-Henry 12/06/2012
1965-1969 Ordinances-Streets Henry Ford-Rial 12/06/2012
1965-1969 Ordinances-Streets Rialto-Zoo.pdf 12/06/2012
1965-1969 Ordinances-Subjects Abandond-Plan Case 17914 12/06/2012
1965-1969 Ordinances-Subjects Plan Case 17915-Zone Variance 12/06/2012